A Practice!

Because it actually helps you

How much longer?

Will you endure the never ending soreness of the workout, self convincing before going into the gym, the energy drain you feel after completing your session only for another one to come the next time you convince yourself to do it again.

For the professional this is easy, this is what they have committed to and decided for themselves to do but for you and me and whoever wants to have a functional body that doesn't fail them it's not easy and it's not beneficial, we have other things to focus on and for that we need something that makes us feel good and be better.

It's not busy work

After you convince yourself that working out is what you need after a full day of life, you go in do your warm up and after the first set of exercises you already decide you are bored and check social media. Before you realize your focus is gone, instead of going in an hours it takes two half assed hours to to do your "routine". The alternative to this situation is to pick something that you actually enjoy doing and do that for the 30 minutes you exercise anyway, without interruptions, without distractions, just executing.

It takes care of you

As long as you take care of it. It will give you space you are actually looking forward to instead of rolling your eyes each time you think about it. It will help you recover, it will teach you to stick with things for a long time, it will show you can still do things when conditions are imperfect, it will make you realize progress is almost never linear, it will unveil to you that each step towards progress has a different size in the same direction.