A Practice!

Because It's Simple

A few things done right

Yield most of the results you need and expect, sure thing it doesn't cover everything in a perfect way but doesn't fall short either. To get the most of your practices: pick the foundational exercises in their most basic form, do them over and over again. Never confuse complexity with how good your practice is, if it has become too easy or boring for you, get heavier equipment.

Just a few exercises

Done in their most basic form will get the most out of it, and for kettlebells those are swings, squats, cleans, snatches and presses complemented by push ups. Sure there are thousands of variations and new one come in daily with only a slight twist over the previous one but who has time for that.

Just a few minutes

Is enough to break a sweat, pump your blood and get a good return on your invested time. Practicing compounds by the days you do it not by the hours you push yourself through. Around 30 minute a day is a sweet spot to get the most out of it, now somedays you will have only 10 minutes and somedays for an entire hour but those are more exceptions than the norm.

Just a few days a week

You can get the good results, take some days off and avoid the soreness that anyone who workout experiences. The case for a rigid routine, at exact times, at exact locations is for those that build with specific intent for a specific purpose in a specific timeframe. Those are professional, people that are committed with a specific interest and the practice is not for them but you and me who want a healthy functional body.

Take some days off, even a week off, do something else, try something new; the practice can wait and will be there you come back. When you do, you will notice something is different, something has changed. You will no longer fear what happens if you skip some days but you will look forward to those is which you practice.