A Practice!

It's a recreation, not a chore

"Planned for you"

They aren't, they are planned for money, just like work. From monday to friday and rest during the weekend, just like work. With no deviation allowed, no room flexibility to change, no way to alter or skip a day entirely because if you would do so the entire plan is derailed and will no longer work, just like work. It's entirely your fault if you have no results, just like work. Or so you thought. It is far easier to blame the fault - on one absence, one incident - than to recognize most of problems are due to bad planning.

Is work all that you want?

Recharges you

The practice offers suggestions for what you should be doing next based on your last practices. Gauge your energy levels and adjust the practice accordingly. Skip a day when you need to and will still be on the right track. Your results are based on your efforts alone. Want stronger shoulders? Put more effort into your presses. Want more endurance? Put more effort into your swings. You know that you are practicing correctly when it gives more energy than it takes.

Blow off some steam and going about your day.