A Practice!

Whenever, with anyone


Whenever is good for you, is also good for the practice. Switch to a quick morning practice for a week, alternate between mornings and afternoons, finish just in time for dinner. For those that have the possibility to shower during the day, a practice between launch works wonders to split your day and fuel the afternoon.

A tip, for morning routines a longer period of warm-up is recommended and for late nights avoid going full throat, your nervous system will thank you.


Going on a road trip or having the family visit you shouldn't break your training streak or even affect it's progress if skipped for a day. usually programs made by professionals are more for professionals than for the rest of us, too strict, without you and your life in mind.

Uncertain related to not having all the equipment required to your workout for the specific day you are at thus making you anxious and the whole experience worse; on the other side, the practice allows you change course when needed, to get going with what you have at hand.


There are times when you need some space, do your practice alone with your thoughts or present in the moment. Join on a video call and practice with your friend, it will hold you more accountable and a good conversation always enhances the experience. Once in a while go to an in person group session to improve your form, compete with someone and crack a few jokes. The practice adapts on short notices and will deliver results as long as you stick with it.