A Practice!

Avoid Fatigue

Getting to a continuous state of fatigue happens a little everyday. That little thing at work that is always stressful to do and it never gets solved correctly, that extra set that you need to prepare for 5 minutes before doing it, the same discussion about A being better than B, convincing yourself everyday that you are doing the right thing and so on; they all put a dent on your energy, your focus, your determination. Attempting to move forward and accomplish new things with this baggage on your back is like pedalling, with your break on, against the wind, uphill. Good luck with that.

Focusing on small details, that make all the difference, is hard. Things like setting up the initial position correctly, lifting the weight appropriately, timing the breathing so you recover quicker for the next set. They all require energy, them same one you don’t have due to fatigue. It begs the question then, why are you training at all?

Being fixated too much on the goal, the “doing one more rep” mindset when you lack focus will push you, consciously or unconsciously, to cut corners leading to less than optimal results. Without the results you want and “work so hard” to gain, your attention shifts from overcoming hardship to why is it being so hard?

Now you have two options, start questioning yourself, doubting yourself and ultimately or you can give yourself a break, a time to recover, a time to remind yourself why are you doing it, a time to refocus on your priorities and ultimately move forward.

Avoid fatigue, choose to practice.