A Practice!

How to start

The destination doesn't matter

Tension is good for a moment, bad for a while.

Good tension helps you create new ways, push the bar a little higher so you can find your new limits. Motivates you and fuels your mindset to come back tomorrow to get some more.

Bad tension overwhelms you, makes you resentful of the same thing you are trying to accomplish by going through it. Procrastination is the main outcome and it's not your fault you got fooled.

You choose.

Buy the journey

The practice is built around you, your preferences, your current limits and your current commitments. Need to take two days off so you can enjoy other things going on in your life? Want to go slower to enjoy? Want to do more of the exercises you like and less of others? (Beware to avoid neglecting it, a strong branch will not compensate for all the weak ones).

Every journey has rocky roads, and sometimes the practice will require you to go through it, with care and patience, to get to a better place. They should happen once in a while, not all the time; with plenty of time to recover and avoid injuries not working around them. When you are going through this place, pay attention to all the learnings available to you, you will notice that you have been compensating for your form, or pushed your all time records too high too soon, or your focus is not where it should be, or your breath is out of rhythm, or a thousand other things you can compensate for when not under pressure. Learn, improve, grow; the practice will assist you.

Your first steps

Heavy enough weights, pass the bar effort, for small amounts of your time will confuse you at the beginning; it takes a while go get used to enjoying your practice instead of dreading you workout. You have to trust the process once you start, let it guide you, teach you different, unconventional way of getting the results you have set for yourself.

Learn to measure yourself by your own progress, how easy is to perform the same exercises after a while, how much better you feel during the day, how fewer injuries you have, how much lighter everything around feels you, the decreasing amount of stress you experience for nor having a rigid schedule that only if you treat it as prima donna, and last but not least, the growing amount of pleasure you have when doing your practice