A Practice!

Expects nothing, Demands everything

Expects you to enjoy

Missing a sunny day, a meeting got delayed and now you are rushing through traffic to start working out, cutting a conversation short to workout your chest for two hours; are not worth doing., promoted by people who, unlike you and me, make their fitness career their priority in life.

Now, think about an alternative, reversed situation, in which you can reap the rewards of your daily practice to enjoy a functional body on a sunny day, to have the ability to practice for only 20 minutes and not rush through everything, to take a day off whenever and transform that conversation into a dinner. When you work with it, the practice will work for you.

Expects you to do other things

You and me do every day that require more focus, more time and more effort than working out, that is how it should be, we have chosen other activities to commit our attention. Then why should we think about the latest program, the latest exercise, the latest equipment when good enough is everything we need, and want. The practice will change, eventually, in small increments at a steady pace with plenty of time for you and me to catch up and adapt, if we want; the basics always worked and will always work.

Expects you to be the driver

The practice is the fuel and the booster of your everyday activities, a functional body can go through more hoops and loops, to go the last mile when it's hard, to stretch itself to reach the goal. You can change course, get off the highway and go slower for a while, do more of one thing you enjoy and just enough of others. Change the speed, the load, the length where you take the practice and it will adapt to your needs with conviction, without complaint.

A short list of demands

When you start practice things change, the practices takes the driver seat, and you become the engine. You have committed to the practice, you are no longer in control, you execute with conviction, without complaint. Some days it will be a smooth ride, others you will go at top speed; some days you will feel it's too easy, some days you won't understands why it's so hard.

Your focus is on the practice, on the current rep, exercise, set. You are thinking about good form at each step, relaxation when it's time to rest, tension when it's time to go. The practice doesn't care about your social media likes, your mirror photos, the latest joke in a group message is irrelevant when you practice. There is plenty of time to that, and more when the practice works for you.

You have to work for the practice some times, in order for it to work for you every time.