A Practice!

It's a different path

The workout is a mountain you have to climb, to fight with, to struggle a lot to move a little and the rewards only come once you reach the peak. The problem? The peak is as moment, that vanishes as soon as it is accomplished and then you go down, to rest, to prepare and motivate yourself to do it all again for one single peak, because somehow that peak is what you want. Maybe this is what works for you, and that being the case I encourage you to keep doing it.

For the rest of us, that have other, more important commitments than fitness, I encourage you to ditch the mountain and pick the hill. This provides a path more suitable for everyday life, lower peaks, more frequently reached, smooth enough that you won't even notice when you reached it but will change the views, in our case the bells, forever. The hill provides flexibility, multiple paths to reach the destinations or sideways to get lost and wander knowing that getting on the main path is always easy.

But there is a problem, there is no vanity in the hill. The only purpose of the hill is for you to enjoy it, to get better for you, to progress at your own pace, to enjoy what plenty of others enjoy and accomplish what many others can accomplish. The hill is rewarding, not aspiring.

Don't get confused, conditions aren't perfect on either paths. There are moments in which you will have to push through. The difference? It is a requirement for the mountain, a choice for the hill.

Workout for the mountain, practice for the hill.